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Definition Apatride, Bipatride, Multipatride in Citizenship Status


Apatride Definition

Apatride is stateless that arise if, according to the rules of Citizenship, a person is not recognized as citizens of any country.
For example, Agus and ira is the status of husband and wife from State B ius soli. They live in State A who berasas ius sanguinis. Budi then their child was born, according to State A, Budi is not recognized as citizens, because the parents are not citizens. Similarly, according to State B, Budi is not recognized as citizens, because born in the territory of the other. Thus Budi has no nationality or apatride.

Jennifer Lopez has a blood descendant of Latin nations (Brazil), but he was born in the Netherlands. Thus Jennifer does not have citizenship status of both Brazil and Dutch citizens. Brazil does not recognize Jennifer Lopez as a citizen because he was born outside the country of Brazil. And he's not a Dutch citizen, because he did not have the blood of the nation or Dutch descent.
Article 1 paragraph 2 of Law No. 12 of 2006 states, citizenship is all the things related to citizens. Citizenship Act and the new center includes the principles of general or universal citizenship. As for the principles espoused in the legislation include:

A. The principle of ius sanguinis (Law of blood) is a principle that determines a person's citizenship based on ancestry, not by country of birth.

B. The principle of ius Soli (Law of the soil) on a limited basis is the principle that determines a person's nationality by country of birth, the effect is limited to children in accordance with the provisions stipulated in this law.

C. The principle of single citizenship is the determining principle of one nationality for each person.

D. Dual Citizenship principle is a principle that determines the limited dual citizenship for children in accordance with the provisions stipulated in this law.

In relations between states a person can change places and are domiciled in other countries. If a person or family residing in another country gave birth to a child, the child's citizenship status is dependent on the principle that applies in the countries where applicable in the country of his birth and his parents. Difference principle adopted by other countries, for example, country A adheres to the principle of ius sanguinis, while the state-adopted B-ius soli principle, this can cause or Apatride Bipatride status in children of parents who migrated between the two countries.

Citizenship legislation basically does not recognize dual citizenship (bipatride) or stateless (apatride). Dual citizenship granted to children in this legislation is an exception. Regarding the loss of citizenship of a child only if the child has no legal relationship with his father, and mother's loss of citizenship atatu father does not automatically lead to citizenship of a child becoming lost.

Under this law a child born of the marriage of a female foreign national citizen with men, and children born of the marriage of a woman with a WNA male citizens, are equally recognized as a citizen of Indonesia. The child will double nationality, and after a 18-year-old son or married then the child must choose, and to choose the statement must be submitted no later than 3 (three) years after children aged 18 years or after mating.

Granting dual citizenship is a positive new developments for the children of mixed marriages. But keep in the study, whether the provision of dual nationality would cause new problems in the future or not, because after all have dual citizenship means that subject to two jurisdictions, and when examined in terms of private international law has the potential problem of dual citizenship, for example in terms of determining personal status based on the principle of nationality, it means that a child would be subject to the provisions of national states. If the provisions of state law that one does not conflict with each other then no problem, but what if there is a conflict between state law with one another, and then setting the child's personal status will follow the rules of the country where, and how if the provisions of the violate the principle of public order in terms of other countries.


Bipatride Definition

Bipatride is dual citizenship, which is the emergence of if, according to relevant regulations of the two countries considered to be a citizen of both countries. For example, Adi and Ani is a husband and wife with the status of citizens of Country A, but they are domiciled in State B. A country adheres to the principle of ius sanguinis and the State adheres to the principle of ius soli B. Then their son was born, Dani. According to the State A who adhered to the principle of ius sanguinis, Dani is the country's citizens because it follows the citizenship of their parents. According to State B ius soli principle is adopted, Dani also citizens of the Country, because his birthplace is in State B. Dani thus have dual nationality status or bipatride.

Bipatride (Dwi State) arises when the two countries according to the rules of the relevant person is considered as citizens of both countries. For example, Adi and Ani is a husband and wife with the status of their citizens when A resident in the country B. A country adheres to the principle of ius sanguinis and state-adopted B-ius soli principle. Then their son was born, Dani. According to a state that embraces the principle of ius sanguinis-, Dani is a national as it follows the citizenship of their parents. According to state that adheres to the principle of ius B-soli, Dani also its citizens, because his birthplace is the state B. Thus Dani has dual nationality status or Bipatride.

Bao Cun Lai's father was a Chinese. But Bao Cun Lai as born in England, so he has dual nationality, which is a British citizen who applied the principle of citizenship based on place of birth, as well as Chinese citizens who adhere to the principle of citizenship based on blood ties.


Multipatride Definition.
Someone who has two or more nationalities.

A person who Bipatride also received another gift of citizenship status when he was grown, at which time he received a new citizenship status does not release the nationalities of the old.

Bao Cun Lai's father was a Chinese. But Bao Cun Lai as born in England, so he has dual nationality, which is a British citizen who applied the principle of citizenship based on place of birth, as well as Chinese citizens who adhere to the principle of citizenship based on blood ties. Strange, when Bao Cun Lai an honored to be a citizen of another country that allows a person to have dual citizenship status, but because he did not remove its status as a citizen of China and the UK, he has three nationalities at once.
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