Of a number of island countries in the world, Indonesia is one of the largest-by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1992. Indonesia has 193 basis points and 92 outermost islands, which means there needs to be increased security based on international maritime law. Indonesia has a vast sea of approximately 5.6 million km 2 with a coastline of 81,000 km. In addition, Indonesia is one of the 15 countries that have the largest EEZ.

Law of the Sea is one branch of international law that more experienced revolutionary changes over the past four decades. Marine legal experts who are well-known early pioneers came from the Netherlands, such as Hugo Grotius and Cornelis van Bijnkershoek. Even the first International Conference to discuss the territorial sea of "codification conference" (13 March-12 April 1930) carried on in The Hague, under the auspices of the League of Nations. Although the Netherlands is a country that is smaller than the vast oceans of Indonesia is an archipelago, but the law of the sea held firmly by the Dutch.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982) gave birth to eight zoning pegaturan (regime) law of the sea, namely, 1. Inland waters (internal waters).
2. Archipelagic waters (waters Archiplegic) termasuki into it strait used for international shipping.
3. Territorial sea (Territorial Waters).
4. Additional zones (Contingous waters).
5. Exclusive economic zone (Exclusif economic zone)
6. Continental Shelf (Continental Shelf)
7. High seas (high seas)
8. The international seabed area (the International Sea-bed area).
With this arrangement the eight zoning Indonesia can be said to have a lot of water rights that must be implemented by law. This means there needs to be strengthened law of the sea so that sea of Indonesia is not seen by the eyes of other countries. For that Indonesia needs to go into law of the sea because Indonesia is an archipelago with a vast ocean. The Netherlands is a country steeped in maritime law for the privilege of legal luminaries originator of the sea as well as various rules and terms contained therein.
One case that is highly regarded by the international community in the context of security or at sea is piracy. Netherlands in 2009 successfully prosecute 5 Somali pirates in the Court of Rotterdam. But when the ship was hijacked Holy Light, Indonesia could not act legally given the many considerations to think. Indonesia needs to learn from the firmness of the Netherlands in international marine law enforcement. Therefore, increased collaboration Indonesia - Dutch marine enforcement needs to be increased again to the implementation of maritime law in Indonesia can be run well.