Promoters are actors who bring artists from outside. Actors here can be an individual and consists of several people who are a team trying to succeed in a concert. Promoter must have an extensive network in order to invite outside artists. In addition, good communication is necessary to negotiate with the artist about anything good about the honor and the action stage, which will be displayed. Business experience in this field are also needed for a concert held by the current
Role in organizing a concert promoter starts from the artist's plan which will hold a concert, determine the place and time organizing concerts. Usually artists have a lot of fans selected by the promoter of the capital as a weekend place and time with consideration of the many who watched the concert. Didapatlah artists who will hold a concert, the promoter must be good at negotiating with the artist for smooth concert will be held. Not without a hitch inviting foreign artists to come to Indonesia, most artists do not want the reason for the safety factor here that the promoter must convince the artist that Indonesia is far more secure. Once everything is fixed, the promoters care about the artist's permission to come to the immigration, police and tourism department. For that promoters should have sufficient capital to take care of it all before conducting the concert. Only then did the promotion and promoters to sell tickets. Promotion aims to be a lot of people who buy tickets and watch the concert, on the other side so that the promoter gets hit. Price tiketpun offerings tailored to the artist and the various costs of production. In sales tiketpun sometimes there are obstacles such as the sale of concert Super Junior Suju fans today were disappointed that many do not get tickets in advance so that the promoter of the talks with the actress has finally decided to hold a concert Suju for three consecutive days. In order for artists who are satisfied with the performance of the promoters brought in as much as possible keep all of the artists demand from consumption to manggungnya equipment. Supervision carried out in order to concert promoter run smoothly is to make sure the audience saw the concert in order for any artist who brought comfort.
Readiness to finance the capital required for the concerts of foreign artists anticipate when ticket sales did not reach the target. The presence of sponsors considered important in supporting the smooth running of a music concert. Moreover, ticket sales are not enough to cover the costs to be incurred by the promoter in the international music concerts. No wonder if there is any chance in supporting events such as a news artist (meet and greet), a photo session with the artist (photo session) to have dinner with (gala dinner). The activity is one way to attract sponsors and promoters intrigued audience to buy tickets. Fatal error that should never be done promoters are selling tickets before it is fixed by the artist. The main promoter of capital is to maintain public confidence in the concert made for the next concert can be more successful than ever.
Being a promoter has a high risk one of them in case of cancellation with ten reasons. Failure to make a music concert harmed consumers because in addition to getting off an exciting spectacle that makes them willing to pay enough to watch his idol, as well as cancellation refund (refund) tickets from the promoter of long and tortuous. If the artist is canceled, the promoter will receive a full refund advance payment of 50 percent. But the concert promoter to lose if suddenly canceled as it did in concert Lady Gaga is not got a permit from the police when ticket sales have been done for a month before the concert, the promoter must pay the remaining 50 percent down payment. For that promoters should have good management so that the concert went well organized.