The following statement from Morgan reinforce the fact that:
"Organizations have always faced such metamorphosis metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. This means that there are only two options for organizations that change or die. However, the choice to change is the right choice, as the organization fleksiblitasnya not higher may be able to survive unless they change or restructuring its organization "(Morgan in Sedarmayanti, 2000:19).
Adjustments to be the only way to survive is a reasonable thing done by any organization. This is consistent with that proposed by Robbins, as follows
"At this difficult to get a well-run organization that does not hold a restructuring to cut costs, become more responsive to customers and competitors, or to achieve more or less the same goals" (Robbins, 1994:89-90).
Organizations are required to continue to grow if you want to stay afloat (survive). The answer to the challenges and changes is to make the development of the organization (organizational development). To that end, organizations often make such changes in the structure and tatakerja try to respond the changes that come.
Richard Beckhard bring about the development of the organization as follows:
"Organizational development is an effort: (1) planned, (2) organizationwide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase of organization effectiveness and healt through (5) planned Interventions in the organization's processes using behaviorscience knowledge". (Richard Beckhard in Indrajaya, 1989:35)."
Development organization focusing on change, and change is inevitable by any organization. Each organization will transform itself in accordance with the demands of the existing environment.
Then, Bennis and Mische further argued that:
"The development of the organization is a response to the change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, values and a new structure of an organization, so that the organization is better able to adjust to the technological, market and new challenges as well as a very fast exchange of change itself. Development organization is new and still evolving, he was born a decade ago, because it still has not changed and membaku, this problem until now has not been resolved "(Bennis and Mische, 1995:3)".
Some of the above definition can be pursed into the equation the true meaning of the study of organizational development (OD), namely that:
OD is a response to change.
OD is an effort to adjust to new things.
OD is a business improvement organization.
OD is a long term business carried out gradually and continuously.
OD can be done to reengineer the way an organization so as to produce a completely different structure with previous structures.

Just as an organism, an organization must avoid equilibrium (balance), which can lead to less responsive to changes and external threats. Because the organism (and organizations) who will be more brittle homogeneous, these creatures have to cultivate diversity. This organism also should move towards the brink of chaos, conducting experiments, and organize themselves to take advantage of opportunities (Peter F. Drucker, 2005:67).
According to Pascale, the third phase of the change are as follows:
"(1) experimentation and irregularities, (2) elimination of the practice and those already established, and (3) the formulation of future vision that generates new conditions or circumstances. In this process, it is important not to set the behavior, which can lead to resistance, but designed it so that everything flows to the desired goal "(Pascale in Drucker, 2005:69)".
If a living system is in a state of balance, the system will be less responsive to changes occurring around him. This would plunge into a very high risk. In the face of threat, or when struck by an interesting opportunity, living things will move toward the verge of chaos. This condition will further enable the emergence of new solutions are fresh. Once the stimulus is so exciting that happens, the components of living systems will organize themselves, and form as well as new types will emerge from the chaos. The nature of this life by Pascale called the "self-organization and emergence" (Pascale in Drucker, 2005:70)
Opinion that the equilibrium is derived from the law ohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giff cybernetics death is not so obvious but important, the Law of Necessity Diversity (Law of requisite Variety), which states that the survival of any organism depends on its power to develop (not just allowing) the diversity in its internal structure. Failure to do results in the inability to successfully cope with diversity when it was introduced from the outside (Pascale in Drucker, 2005:70).
Whitney and Trosten-Bloom said that "the approach to personal change and organizational change based on the assumption that questions and dialogue about strengths, successes, values, hopes, and dreams actually is change itself" (Whitney and Trosten-Bloom, 2007 : 1).