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Basics of Education in Indonesia


Education is every Business, effect, protection and assistance provided to children are upon the maturation of the child, or rather to help children to be proficient enough task his own life. The influence came from an adult (or created by adults such as school books, the daily round of life, and so on) and addressed to minors.
John Dewey
Education is the process of forming fundamental skills intellectually and emotionally toward nature and fellow human beings.
J.J. Rousseau
Education is giving us supplies that do not exist in childhood, but we need it on into adulthood.
Carter V.Good
a. Pedagogy is the art, practice, or profession of teaching.
b. The systematized learning or instruction Concerning principles and methods of teaching and of student control and guidance; largely replaced by the term education.

Education is to:
a. Art, Practice, or Teaching Profession.
b. Systematic knowledge or teaching related to the principles and methods of teaching, supervision and guidance of students; in the broad sense is replaced by the term education.

Ki Hajar Dewantara
Education is the growing demands in the lives of children, while the mean, education is leading all the forces of nature that exist in children, and that they as a people and as members of the public safety and the happiness it can be reached as high.

According to Law No. 2 of 1989
Education is a conscious effort to prepare students through mentoring, teaching, and or training for their role in the future.

According to Law. 20 of 2003
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength keagamaaan, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills needed themselves, society, nation and state.

Objective factors
In the Act No. 2 of 1989 clearly stated goal of National Education, which is "Feeding the life of the nation and develop a complete Indonesian man, the man who is faithful and righteous to God Almighty and noble character, has the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health , mantab and independent personality and a sense of community and national responsibility. "
Real factor for the purpose of education is:
  • As the Direction of Education, the goal will indicate the direction of a business, while the show way to go from the present situation to the next situation.
  • Goal as the end point, a business must have a beginning and an end. Maybe there was an attempt to stop because something is a failure to achieve the goal, but the effort can not be said to be over. In general, an attempt is said to terminate if the goal has finally been reached.
  • Objectives as a starting point to achieve other goals, if the goal is the end point of the business, then this is the basic starting point, in the sense that it is the fundamental basis of the beginning of each business base.
  • Giving value to the work done
Educators Factor
Educators are the people who bear the responsibility to Educate.
Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto, an inventory that includes the Understanding of Educators:
a. Adult
b. Parents
c. Teacher
d. Community leaders
e. Religious Leaders

Characteristics that must be possessed of educators in the task of educating, which is
  • Maturity of a stable self, understanding self, self, and have human values.
  • Stable social maturity, have sufficient knowledge about the community, and have the capacity to foster cooperation with others.
  • Professional maturity (the ability to educate), which is paying attention and love the attitude of students as well as having enough knowledge about the background of the students and their development, have proficiency in the use the ways of educating.
Teacher Quality Criteria are Needed in Education :
  • Teacher as a Planner
  • Teacher as the Initiator
  • Teacher as a Motivator
  • The Teacher as Observer
  • Teacher as a Motivator
  • Teachers as Antisifator
  • Teacher as a Model
  • Teacher as Evaluator
  • Teacher as a Friend to Explore with their Students
  • Promoter so that Children become true learners
Factor Learners
Students is any person who receives the influence of a person or group of people who run educational activities. Being in the narrow sense of the students are children (immature person) is left to the responsibility of educators. One sign that a person has learned is that there is a change in her behavior. Thus, the study seeks to bring children who initially completely helpless, almost the whole of his life relying on others, to the adult level, the circumstances in which the child is able to stand alone and be responsible for themselves, individually, socially and decency.

Factors Educational Tool
Good Teaching is primarily educational tool. Education is a factor of educational tools that are made available and used for achieving the desired educational goals.

Judging from his form, an educational tool can be:
  • Educating actions (called software) includes advice, example, prohibitions, commands, praise, reproof, threats, and punishment.
  • Objects as a tool (called hardware); includes tables and chairs, study, whiteboard, erasers, chalk, overhead projector, and so forth.
Environmental Factors
Basically the environment include:
  • Place (Physical Environment), climatic conditions, soil conditions, natural state.
  • Culture (Cultural Environment), with a particular cultural heritage of language, art, economics, science, philosophy of life, religious.
  • Groups live together (Social Environment or Community) families, play groups, village associations.
By Ki Hajar Dewantara educational environment include family environment, school environment, and environmental youth organization, which he called the Tri Education Center.
  • Family Environment (Primary Community)
Family Education Work:
A. As a first experience of childhood.
  • Ensure the child's emotional life
  • Instilling basic moral education.
  • Provide basic social education
  • Laid the foundations of religious education for children.
B. School Environment

Not all tasks can be executed by educating parents in the family, especially in terms of science and a wide range of skills. Because if judging from the historical development of the teaching profession, teaching is really the task of the delegation of the duties of a parent unable to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the times.

School Functions Include:
  • Schools help parents do a good habits and instill good moral character.
  • Schools provide education for life in society are difficult or can not be given at home.
  • School trains children acquire skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, drawing and other sciences that are developing intelligence and knowledge.
  • Ethics lessons given in schools, religious, aesthetic, moral distinguish
  • Maintain cultural heritage living in the community by delivering cultural heritage to the younger generation, in this course students.
C. Environmental Youth Organization

The role of youth organizations in particular are seeking the development of socialization young life. Through a youth organization developed a kind of social awareness, skills in association with his fellow comrades (Social Skills) and the right attitude in relationships with fellow human beings (Social Attitude).

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